Sunshine Cahill

Sunshine is an ecology enthusiast and educator, ever in wonder with evolution. Sunshine makes art from interactions with kindred, human and otherwise. Birding and salameandering have been two of Sunshine’s life-long pursuits, coming from a family of ecologists, conservationists and trail seekers, and many years living within a variety of biomes and cultures. Most recently, Sunshine has become passionate about re-drawing maps and thinking about how our structures affect how we view the world.

The past couple years, Sunshine has volunteered with CAS bilingüal bird walks and organized a bird tour to Guatemala for Chicago area birders in 2019. Sunshine brings years of life-stories and acres of contemplation to Chicago Audubon. Sunshine hopes to collaborate with the many bright minds in this group to encourage growth and learning, through bird walks, artistic ventures, and other outreach. Sunshine seeks to inspire a welcoming space for everyone… to put down our binoculars, just for a minute, and appreciate the landscape.